22 janvier 2010


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

13 avril 2006

Summer Morning Porch

Summer Morning Porch, originally uploaded by nomm de photo.

03 avril 2006

The Arts

The Arts, originally uploaded by nomm de photo.

20 décembre 2005

Ceiling and chandelier

Ceiling and chandelier, originally uploaded by Claudecf.

The Opera House, or Palais Garnier was built in the nineteenth century, and everything in it dates back to those days, except for the ceiling, which is by Chagall, a 20th century artist.

Götterversammelung um 15:30

Götterversammelung um 15:30, originally uploaded by Pergamon.

Meeting of Gods at 15:30 o'Clocks

18 décembre 2005

Nofretete / Nefertiti

Nofretete / Nefertiti, originally uploaded by Grabthar.

The beautiful bust of Nefertiti from the Egypt Museum Of Berlin

02 décembre 2005


Orange-ochre-yellow, originally uploaded by Mexicanwave.

The set:

Created with fd's Flickr Toys.



MES AIRS DE ROCK, originally uploaded by di Cinarca.

17 novembre 2005

Altar to La Virgen de Guadalupe

This is a doorway - of sorts; I never found out whether this was in use or not. It was empty inside and an inner door was locked.