31 octobre 2005


portacristina, originally uploaded by alecani.

Thanksgiving Parade, Detroit

30 octobre 2005

Säuleneiliger, aus dem Bild geeilt

Pillar-Saints, has picture-leaved.
(no PS)


TROYESOUTILSCOMPAGNONS (28), originally uploaded by Giulia_.

Wheathervane & Blue Moon!

Wheathervane & Blue Moon!, originally uploaded by imapix.

29 octobre 2005

Patio, Puebla

Patio, Puebla, originally uploaded by rainy city.

2005 Puebla, Mexico

Jeweller sign

Jeweller sign, originally uploaded by Claudecf.

Festival - aquarela de Sonia Madruga - Rio de Janeiro Brasil

Celebrando a vida.
Aquarela de Sonia Madruga

Nautilus Inside & Out

Nautilus Inside & Out, originally uploaded by nomm de photo.

Double exposure of the interior and exterior of a nautilus shell.

Star of India 1

Star of India 1, originally uploaded by mutbka.

The legendary Star of India. San Diego harbor.

Yashica MAT-124G. Fuji Astia 100F.

Festa do Divino MOSAICOS BRASIL - Pirinopolis aquarela de Sonia Madruga